Version 2.31.0 is released!

We develop and improve crowd:it continuously. And now, a new version is released with great new features.

In addition to various bug fixes, there are also a few great new features that we would like to introduce to you.

Integration of macroscopic areas

It is now possible to create hybrid simulations in crowd:it. These hybrid simulations combine our previous microscopic individual model with macroscopically resolved areas in which the individual agents are aggregated into densities and flows. The highlight: The original agents do not lose their individual properties but are re-inserted into the scenario with their original properties after leaving the macroscopic area. This is the only model in the world capable of doing this.

What are the advantages?

We often have a performance problem for large-scale scenarios in which long walking routes are to be mapped where there is one-way traffic without the risk of congestion. Although these areas are not interesting from an analysis point of view, they still have to be finely resolved and thus, the movement of people calculated step by step. We can shorten this calculation time by using the properties of the fundamental diagram and aggregating people into densities, which then "flow" along the routes. How this works scientifically is described in detail in this master's thesis. The advantage for users is that large areas can be simulated faster.

How can I model macroscopic areas?
The macroscopic areas can be easily added via our toolbar. There are a few special features to note:

- The entry and exit edges from the area must be parallel to each other

- The exit edge must not be shorter than the entry edge -> otherwise congestion could occur in the macroscopic area, which we could not or do not want to map

- It makes sense to limit the macroscopic zone with obstacles on all other edges

- The zones do not have to be placed on agent paths, they work in the same way as scaled areas

And who can guarantee that this is all valid?

As you can read in the master's thesis, we have calibrated the model so that the clearing times between the purely microscopic simulation and the hybrid simulation differ by less than 20%.

Here is an example how a use case could look like:

Meta information for better structuring of the project

Sounds familiar? You have a project, realize that you have tried something in one version and pack this information directly into the file name so that you can recognize it later? Over time, the file names become longer and less meaningful and you don't know how to save the information otherwise? With our new feature, in which a description can be added directly when saving, these times are over. With this release, a meaningful description can be added to both simulation objects and the scenario itself.

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A complete list of our changes can be found in our changelog.

Do you have further questions? Your desired feature is not yet in this release? Send us an e-mail or give us a call!
